August 19, 2015
The National Rural Health Association encourages you, and all rural health leaders across the country, to contact their member of Congress and urge them to cosponsor HR 3225, the Save Rural Hospitals Act.
Members of Congress are home in their districts for the next two weeks, so now is the time to reach out to them.
HR 3225 will stop the flood of rural hospital closures by ending Medicare cuts to rural hospital and eliminating burdensome regulatory requirements. The bipartisan bill also offers a path forward for rural hospitals that may still continue to struggle by allowing them to transform into an innovative new payment model that fits the unique delivery needs of a rural community.
This is urgent. Fifty-six rural hospitals have closed, and 283 additional hospitals on the brink of closure.
NRHA asks you to visit the district office, attend town hall meetings and invite your member of Congress to tour your rural facilities. Explain to them how important your hospital is to the patients you serve and the rural economy. Don’t wait. HR 3225 will eliminate millions in Medicare dollars that have been cut from your hospital. America’s rural safety net hospitals needs this bill passed now.
Visit for more information on the HR 3225, the Save Rural Hospitals Act, and how you can help get this important bill passed.
Source: Rural Health