The real problem is for consumers, who were promised under Obamacare the opportunity to choose from a variety of health insurance options. That opportunity is either narrowed or completely lost in a monopolized market.
“When there’s a monopoly provider in the exchanges, we lose that ability to match with the plan that’s best for you,” Garthwaite said.
He made one last point, something that’s easy to forget as we grow accustomed to blaming any and every problem in the insurance market on Obamacare:
“We’ve had trouble offering insurance in rural counties for a long time. This was neither created by nor will it be solved by the ACA.”
Map of the Day
A full Obamacare market. The empty counties were shown in yellow, but they’re all gone now. We’ll probably be talking about the gray counties a lot more in the coming weeks and months. Those are the areas that have only one insurer selling plans right now. They don’t comprise the majority of the marketplace (about 2.6 million customers out of 9.6 million, by our internal estimates), but that’s still a lot of people with limited options.
Source: Vox